Children's Ministry


We have classes for children of every age. We also offer opportunities for service! Our children have visited and sang at nursing homes and at the homes of several of our shut-ins. We do a VBS every year and plan special things for the children on Community Day. The children are encouraged to be free in their worship (flags, banners, ribbons available to them!), and have ministered through special programs on many occasions.

Youth Ministry

While our regular group meets on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm, we have activities and opportunities for them to serve throughout the month. Power-FULL is a once a month outing for our teen girls to have a chance to bond and discuss issues in a safe place. Our teens also have formed a dance ministry that ministers in our services, at Community Day, and even on the mission trip.

Men's Ministry

The men at City of Refuge meet for breakfast and have gone through different Bible studies to help them understand the role of the man in the church and family. Our men volunteer at VBS, worked on the Mission team, and serve in many important areas of leadership.

Ladies Ministries

Our ladies meet the last Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. There is a meal followed by door prizes and laughter. We believe that women need to just get away and have the opportunity to laugh! We close the night with a powerful, relevant devotional and a time of prayer for those who desire. We truly try to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of each lady.

Senior Adult Ministry

Our Seniors have recently re-organized and are in the process of planning social and ministry opportunities. Whether going together to a play, helping with VBS, or just meeting for dinner, our Seniors are an active part of life at City of Refuge.

Manna Food

City of Refuge operates a food bank that is open 2 times a week. We also feed on an emergency basis. Food is acquired through monetary donations and donations of food from the community and Martin’s Food Stores.

Music/Worship Arts Ministry

We are a worshipping church! Freedom reigns! Whether traditional Pentecostal or more contemporary, we try to be a blend that brings honor to the King! Opportunities are available in the band, worship team, special songs, or musical presentations.