Serving Chesterfield, Virginia


Welcome To City Of Refuge

What Is City of Refuge? A church? A refuge? The answer is simple. We are both. Based upon a concept in the Old Testament, we are a church, a body of believers, that seeks to be a refuge. We want to be a safe place that encourages all to grow, learn, worship, and serve. One definition of REFUGE states that it is a place or state of safety. To me, that means we are a place to find “hope and healing.” At City of Refuge, it is our desire to be the hands of Jesus that reach out to those who are looking for answers, desiring to worship and serve, or those who are hurting and needing a “safe place” that encourages healing and growth. You are welcome here: Rich or poor, sick or well, young or old. We come together as one to provide an atmosphere of, “Living and learning together as we journey through God’s Word.” Seek refuge!

Pastor David Hindman

Our Vision

Being a City of Refuge

During a 12 week revival which began in the Spring of 2003, God began to do a work in our congregation. He opened our church and sent hundreds of people from many churches and great distances through our doors. We had never experienced anything like it! There was an incredible outpouring of God’s Spirit.

It was during that revival that a visiting pastor, Charles Abihudi from Tanzania, East Africa gave a prophetic word to our church. In his broken English he said that God was going to send many “fishes” to our church, all kinds of “fishes” and that we were to not hurt these fish. These words remained in the heart of our pastor, resurfacing occasionally over the years.

In an effort to prayerfully define our mission and fulfill God’s specific purpose for our church, we have launched into a new season of ministry under the name City of Refuge. This name is based on an Old Testament provision that God instituted as the children of Israel entered the Promised Land. We believe that God has raised us up to be a “place of hope and healing.” It is our mission to be a safe place where people can grow and enter into their destiny.